Library Media
- David R. LaRock Library
- Services & Procedures
- Hours
- Tools for Students
- Reading Clubs
- Reference Websites
- Information Literacy Initiative (SKILL Curriculum)
David R. LaRock Library
The David R. LaRock Library is Academy of Holy Angels’ library and media center. It provides both print and electronic resources for student learning and research.
Library Media Department Philosophy The Library Media Department provides students with instruction and skills development in information literacy, library science, and writing across the curriculum through interdisciplinary, hybrid lessons integrated into courses offered at every grade level through English, Social Studies, Theology, and other departments. Collectively, these lessons form a library curriculum distinct from, but complementary to, offerings in other subject areas, with its own instructional outcomes intended to prepare students for college success and a lifetime of independent learning. Supported by its varied print and electronic collections, the LaRock Library maintains itself as a hub for research, technology training, and campus literary life not only in assigned academics, but also through extracurricular activities and support for recreational reading and independent inquiry.
General Description
A media specialist works with students individually and in classroom groups to enhance research strategies, apply technology skills, and promote the ethical use of information. The media collection, its services, and resources are essential to the successful completion of class assignments and projects.
Services & Procedures
- List of Library Services
- Circulation
- Overdues
- Seating Capacity
- Production Equipment
- Magazines
- Theology Resources
- Professional Library
- Electronic Resources
List of Library Services
David R. LaRock Library provides the following services:
Collaborate with teachers to implement SKILL curriculum
Answer reference queries
Research websites
Teach library related lessons
Order instructional resources
Reserve books and journal articles via U of M collaboration
Assist with citation and technology software questions
Videotape classes
Assist with scanning, photocopying and printing
Limited school supplies ( folders, notebooks, pencils, markers, scissors)
Poster creation
Laminate items
Overdue fines are not charged. However, there may be other faculty or students in need of the book that is due.
If books are not returned by the end of the trimester, the library will assume the book is lost and charge you the replacement cost of the book. Access to your grades/transcript will be blocked until AHA's business office is fully reimbursed for the outstanding book.
Please see the library staff if you question any notice you have received.
There are no limits to the books you have checked out at any given time, unless there are reserves for those titles.
Seating Capacity
Production Equipment
Theology Resources
Professional Library
Electronic Resources
Tools for Students
- Services and Procedures
- OPAC stands for Online Patron Access Catalog. It is the LaRock Library's catalog of approximately 11,000 books cataloged through Follett
- Ebook collection through Overdrive
- Database collection of over 55 databases
- Ebooks via
- U of M Inter Library Loans
- Citation Help
- Reading Clubs
Reading Clubs
Literary Merit Club (LMC)
Literary Merit Club (LMC) is an individualized reading option. LMC is open to all Holy Angels students, grades 9-12. It is easy to participate:
Read a book of your choice.
Pick up a Book Summary Card from the circulation desk in the library.
Make a 15 minute appointment with a staff member who's read the same book.
Discuss the book and return the completed Book Summary Card, with signatures, to Ms. Wakem in the LaRock Library.
Participants will receive a LMC notation on their transcript, and an award on Celebration Day. Questions? Please talk to Ms. Wakem.
The Academy of Holy Angels will present these awards to students on Celebration Day.
Gold Award Students have completed 20 books.
Silver Award Students have completed 15 books.
Bronze Award Students have completed 10 books.
Honorable Mention Students have completed 5 books.
Student Book Club
Open to all students.. We read 3 selections per school year, meet in the LaRock Room one day after school, and provide snacks at our meetings. Twenty-five copies of each book are given to participating students so they can begin to create their own personal libraries. Book titles are selected by Ms. Wakem with student input.
Some selections have included:
- Art of Racing in the Rain, The by Garth Stein
- City of Thieves by David Benioff
- Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, The by Mark Haddon
- DaVinci Code, The by Dan Brown
- Growing An Inch by Stanley Gordon West
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J. K. Rowling
- Haunted Ground by Erin Hart
- Iron Lake by William Kent Krueger
- Riding the Bus with My Sister by Rachel Simon
- Road, The by Cormac McCarthy
- Things Change by Patrick Jones
- Watchmen, The by Alan Moore
- Weatherman, The by Steve Thayer
Reference Websites ELM is brought to you by your local library or school media center, Minitex, and State Library Services, the MN state library agency, with state appropriations to the Minnesota Office of Higher Education and the Minnesota Department of Education. is an online reference service. Ask a librarian a research/reference question 24/7.
The Reference Desk indexes quality, credible and timely resources.
The Internet Public Library is a public service organization developed by the University of Michigan School of Information.
World Factbook contains profiles of countries of the world. Updated annually.
Information Please Almanac includes almanacs, an encyclopedia, dictionary, thesaurus, maps and special features.
Information Literacy Initiative (SKILL Curriculum)
We have a specific information literacy curriculum that has been implemented to increase student abilities in the areas of locating, evaluating, processing, and communicating information.
Students are exposed to literacy sessions embedded in assignments from required classes. Each year additional skills are added in the areas of OPAC (print resource catalog), databases, web search, and ethics and technology. During their senior year, students are assessed to determine their own level of proficiency. This program is called SKILL: Students, Knowledge, Information Literacy, and Learning.
Information Literacy Outcomes:
Students will demonstrate an ability to locate print, multimedia and electronic resources.
Students will evaluate information in both traditional and emerging electronic formats.
Students will appreciate the value of reading and literature.
Students will understand the principles of intellectual property, academic integrity and ethical access to information.
Core Lessons in the Skill Curriculum
Freshmen Year
- Quia Pre-Test
- OPAC Strand: Introduction to LaRock Library/Guided Tour/Introduction to Library Catalog
- OPAC Strand: Individual /Collective Biographies and Specialized Encyclopedias
- Database Strand: Introduction to Databases
- Web Strand: Google presentations
- Ethics and Technology Strand: Cyberbullying, Avoiding Plagiarism, Using Paraphrasing and AI.
- Ethics and Technology Strand: Noodle Tools and MLA citations introduction
Sophomore Year
- OPAC Strand: Inter-library loans
- OPAC Strand: Keyword vs. Subject Searches
- Database Strand: Narrowing a Research Topic
- Database Strand: Specialized Databases for Controversial Issues (Points of View)
- Web Strand: MLA Citation Types
- Database Strand: Boolean Logic
- Web Strand: CABLE method for evaluating websites and other sources
- Ethics and Technology Strand: Assorted Online Privacy Issues
- Ethics and Technology Strand: AI
Junior Year
Senior Year
AHA's Program of Studies is a comprehensive course catalog with a description of the school's requirements for graduation and for student honors.
Please reference the catalog below as it is the official document of AHA.
Kelley Wakem
Librarian & Media Specialist