College & Career Center
Academy of Holy Angels students benefit from having an outstanding College and Career program. It begins with two dedicated full-time counselors with over 59 years of combined experience from both sides of the college admissions spectrum: each has worked in college admissions and now at AHA advising students and families to make informed decisions about college and career plans. AHA parents and students rave about the guidance, expertise, and support they received beginning in 9th grade until graduation. Here are some of the highlights of our services.
Freshman Year
The College and Career Counselors meet individually with each student and his or her family to discuss course planning for high school and steps that will guide them throughout their journey at AHA. The Freshman Family Meeting is scheduled during the first or second trimester of the freshmen year. This meeting helps students and parents understand what each student should be registering to take each year of their time at AHA, as well as how to be prepared for their future.
College and Career Counselors meet in a classroom setting in January to discuss the course registration process for sophomore year. Students are also invited to attend our Career and College Speakers throughout the year in the College and Career Center. We have college representatives from across the country and alumni, parents and friends that come back to discuss careers of interest with our students.
Sophomore Year
College and Career Counselors administer a personality/career assessment titled Personality that is based on the Myers Briggs. This program will match a student's personality and interests to potential careers and college majors. We also offer other career assessment resources titled Career Interest Profiler, Skills and StrengthsExplorer that takes into account a student's career interests and strengths to match them to particular careers using John Holland's Codes of Career Interest and their Top 3 Strength Theme Indicators. Students are also invited to attend our Career Speakers throughout the year in the College and Career Center. We have AHA alumni, parents and friends that come back to discuss careers of interest with our students.
In the fall, we offer an event called, College Planning Night, where we offer a variety of college speakers in different topics. Students and parents can choose to attend the sessions that are most valuable to them: financing college, highly selective college admission, large public schools, Catholic colleges, etc. Sophomore students and their parents will have their own Sophomore College Night where we outline the college and career plan for our students junior through senior year. It helps parents and students understand all the resources available to them before they need them. We find that our families really appreciate the information in advance. In April of the sophomore year, we host a college fair in conjunction with Saint Thomas Academy and Visitation School where we have about 120 colleges from across the country available to answer questions from our students and parents. We invite all sophomores and their parents to this event.
Junior Year
Families meet individually with their College and Career Counselor during the winter and spring of their junior year to discuss post-secondary planning. Juniors also participate in annual events such as College Planning Night, Financial Aid Night, and AHA’s college fair. Jumpstart Your College Planning Day is a required, full day event for juniors that features a different college planning topic session each hour of the school day instead of their normal courses. They are also required to complete a college planning portfolio that includes a college essay, resume of activities, college search activity, a job shadow or interview and more. This portfolio will help them be ready for all the information they are required to provide for their college applications. Our goal is to help students be a little less stressed in the fall application season of their senior year.
Senior Year
The College Counselors meet individually with students to discuss post-secondary planning and they work with the students to help them understand the college application process. Counselors assist students and parents through the college application, financial aid, scholarship, and making the college choice decision.
The Academy of Holy Angels provides a comprehensive college and career planning Web tool, Naviance, to each student. In this Web site, students can research colleges, apply to colleges and request their transcripts for their college applications. Students will also be able to get personality and career information individual to them. It also includes an embedded online ACT and SAT test preparation program. This has been a valuable resource for our students and families and they are excited about gaining valuable college admission information at their fingertips.
College Representatives
We welcome college representatives to our college and career center during the academic school year. We are now using Rep Visits. Admission counselors Click HERE to schedule an appointment with our high school. If you have any problems scheduling a visit with this system, please contact Mary Kelly at
Student Reminders
Seniors, Class of 2025
- Don't forget to write thank you notes to those individuals that write you letters of recommendation. This is an important part of the process. Teachers are not required to write letters of recommendation, they do so to help you in your application process. They are not paid extra for the extra time they spend writing letters. Remember, their letters helped you achieve your college options. Writing a thank you note is considered a required part of this process.
- The college counselors will send your transcripts to the college you indicated you are applying to through the request process in your Naviance account. We process transcript requests on a date received order. In the fall, we typically process around 1000 different transcript packets for our students. We require your transcript request be submitted at least two weeks before your deadline to assure we will have time to submit it to your college before your deadline.
- Remember most colleges this year are test optional, which means you do not need to have an ACT or SAT. However, you need to check every college website to see if they do have test requirements, as although many colleges are test optional, it is not every one. Some colleges may require test scores for specific academic programs or merit scholarships. It is important to look up every college of interest to determine if you need a score. If you reported your scores on an application, they may require an official report sent from ACT before you enroll. If you need an official report, you will need to order that from If you have questions, please see your counselor.
- Most importantly, it is imperative to keep up your academic work throughout your senior year. A final transcript will be sent to the college you choose to attend. Your acceptance to any college is contingent on completing the courses you indicated you were taking your senior year and continuing a strong level of work. The colleges can (and will) rescind admission if you do not perform up to your initial application. Also, remember if there are any changes to your schedule, those need to be discussed with the colleges to which you have been admitted. The colleges are assuming you are completing all the courses you told them you were registered to take this year. If you have questions, please see your college counselor.
If you took any classes or are planning to take any classes this year for PACC credit through St. Mary’s University of Minnesota and you want to get credit for college, you need to have your PACC transcript sent to the college you are attending. Some colleges may also request it as a part of your admission application. Here is their information:
How do I request my Saint Mary's transcript?
Current students and alumni may request transcripts through the National Student Clearinghouse, a secure and confidential website. Transcripts can be sent directly to you or a third party by US mail or electronically. Each transcript is $5.00, payable by credit or debit card. Additional features of online ordering include order tracking, updates, and transcript request history.
Once the college you choose receives the final transcript, they will review and determine if they will award college credit for the coursework.
As always, your college counselors are here to discuss additional college options, financial aid, scholarship searches, etc. If you have questions, contact them!
Juniors, Class of 2026
If you have not yet visited any colleges, we strongly recommend getting on a couple of campuses this year. (Of course, colleges all have extensive virtual information options as well.) It is always beneficial to visit colleges when they are in session, if this is possible. Look at your calendar to see when you might have a couple of days to do some local visits. You can find the colleges' phone numbers in the college profile pages in your Naviance account. Otherwise, most colleges will have visit information right on their websites. They want you to visit so they try to make it as easy as possible for you.
If you are planning to take the ACT this year, the next available test date is December 14. The registration deadline is November 8. To assure a spot in the test center you prefer, you will want to register as soon as possible. You can register for the test at Remember you also have access to an online test prep program (Methodize Prep) in your Naviance account. If you have ANY problems getting registered in this program, contact Mrs. Proctor at and she will assist you. Our students that have used it have found it really helpful. It is difficult to know how many colleges will continue their test optional policies for your class. This is something we will need to continue to watch throughout the year.
Keep reading the Daily Bulletin for college and career speaker events that are happening in person and virtually at school and through college campuses. Take advantage of these informational sessions!
Sophomores, Class of 2027
In February, you will complete a career and personality assessment in homeroom. We will have a meeting in March to discuss the results and how to access more career information in Naviance. This assessment will give you ideas on what careers may be of interest to you based on your individual traits. The system gives you lots of information on a particular career (pay, education required, etc.), college majors that might relate to that specific career and colleges that offer that major. It is an all-inclusive report that can assist you as you think about potential job, major and college options in the future. This spring, we also invited you to attend our Sophomore Student and Parent College Planning Meeting on March 18 and our annual college fair on April 9.
Students, remember to update your resume in Naviance to keep track of all your activities and community service for the year and that you have a four year plan to assist with registration.
Freshmen, Class of 2028
Ms. Kjorstad and Mrs. Proctor are excited to meet you in the College and Career Center this year.
Remember this is the first year in building your file for college. This year does count in your grades and information we send to colleges. Continue to do your best academically and get involved in your school or community. All of these things are important.
Later this year, we will be working on career possibilities. You will complete a career assessment and we encourage you to watch for career speakers throughout the year in the College and Career Center. You can sign up for any career speaker of interest in the CCC with your college counselor or with the parent volunteer. Career and College speakers are open to freshmen. Always feel free to see you college counselor with any questions.
- More Info
- Resources for Academic Tutoring and Preparing for Standardized Tests
- College Placement
- Advice about AP and PACC
- More PACC details
More Info
Click on the tabs to the right and below to find more resources.
Here are some additional files:
Sophomore College Planning Meeting
Not able to attend our College Planning Night? Here are some of the presentations from the evening program:
Make the Most of Your College Visit
Resources for Academic Tutoring and Preparing for Standardized Tests
Academic Tutoring and PSAT, ACT And SAT Test Preparation Resources
Note: The following companies and private tutors have either submitted their name to the Academy of Holy Angels or have been recommended by parents or other educators. The College and Career Center does not claim personal knowledge of each company or individual below. It is your responsibility to research the companies or individuals available.
- ACT Prep Classes available at Holy Angels
- Academic Tutoring and Testing
- Ace It Tutors
- ACT Online Prep
- ACT Ready
- Breakaway Test Prep
- Club Z in Home Tutoring Services for ACT & SAT
- College Tutors – Edina Learning Center and Eden Prairie Learning Center
- Cormac Huyen Tutoring
- Doorway to College
- Rachel Engstrom -- Tutor
- Franklin Yard Test Prep
- Griffin Olson Academic Tutoring
- Homeworks for Students, Inc.
- Huntington Learning Center
- Hennepin County Library
- Ivy Bound Test Prep
- Kaplan Test Prep
- Kelly Stock Educational Consulting, LLC
- Magna Test Prep
- Oriole Science Tutoring
- Peterson's Test Prep Guidance Net
- Princeton Review
- Revolution Prep
- SAT Online Test Prep
- Swanson Consulting
- Sylvan Learning Systems, Inc
- University of Minnesota
ACT Prep Classes available at Holy Angels
If you are interested in the AHA Test Prep class taught by AHA faculty, the cost is $200. Please contact Ms. Kjorstad if you have questions. Classes are generally offered before the April and June ACT Test Dates. The registration form for the April and June classes will be sent in the Parent Newsletter that goes out to parents every Thursday.
Academic Tutoring and Testing
Contact: Tristan Markiowitz 952-591-9437
Description: School Support, subject-specific tutoring, PSAT, ACT, and SAT prep is available. Tutoring is formatted to fit the individual student's needs. Students can meet with tutors as many times as they feel necessary. This tutoring service works well with students of all ability levels, including students who have ADD/ADHD or learning disabilities.
Ace It Tutors
ACT Online Prep
Description: Act prep accessible anytime, anywhere includes (1) Diagnostic test, (2) practice tests, essays with real-time scoring, comprehensive content reviews for each of the four required tests. This is a free service.
ACT Ready
Contact: Mary Ann Dorsher and Mary Langfeldt or 612-927-9516
Description: ACT Ready offers personal, high quality ACT preparation at a reasonable price to students of all academic abilities and tailored to their needs. We compare our students' scores on ACT Ready practice test to their actual ACT exam results. Our 2009 students achieved an average gain of four points, an increase of approximately 20% in their national percentile rankings; 45% of our small group and private lesson students earned a final ACT Score of 29 or higher, placing them in the top 6% nationally.
Breakaway Test Prep
Contact: Matt McManus at
Description: Breakaway Test Prep provides individualized, comprehensive test preparation. They work with students throughout the Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan area with private, one-on-one test preparation. Their rigorous program includes full-length practice tests, materials that include only real ACT’s and highly-qualified and experienced instructors.
Club Z in Home Tutoring Services for ACT & SAT
Contact: Ken Saunders Area Director 612-990-5640
Description: Club Z offers individualized, one on one, in-home with the same tutor for each session. They offer customized practice focusing on areas that need improvement. There is a 10-hour program or a 20-hour prep program. Specific materials used were developed by Club Z, Disney and ACT Official Guidebook.
College Tutors – Edina Learning Center and Eden Prairie Learning Center
Contact: Allison Dery or 952-285-7667
Description: College Tutors provides one-on-one ACT, SAT and PSAT preparation. Since 2004 our students have consistently improved their scores. We average a 4 point increase, with as many as 6 – 8 points for students with pretest scores in the 20’s.
Our tutors have scored in the 98th percentile or above and excel in imparting knowledge and strategies for optimum results. Schedules and focus are individualized over a recommended 25 hour schedule. 3 practice tests included, with up to 9 different tests for the avid student. Cost: $75 per hour.
Cormac Huyen Tutoring
Cormac Huyen is a 2018 AHA grad who graduated from Notre Dame magna cum laude in 2022 with a Bachelor of Science before serving as a volunteer at a children’s home in Honduras for 18 months. He is currently a Fulbright scholar in Mexico pursuing a Masters in public policy with a focus on healthcare.
After finishing his 2 year Masters in Mexico, he plans to go to medical school. He took the medical admission exam and scored in the 97th percentile (exam tests general chemistry, organic chemistry, biochemistry, biology, physics, psychology, sociology, and reading comprehension).
Talking so much about myself feels uncomfortable, but I want you to know my credentials so that I can be a valuable resource for your child. I am happy to tutor any subject but my strengths are science, math, and Spanish. I also can help edit essays including college application essays and scholarship essays (the Fulbright application process and starting the medical school application process have made me strong in these fields).
I am happy to provide references. Please let me know if you are interested. My email is and my phone number is +1 612-799-6843.
Doorway to College
Rachel Engstrom -- Tutor
Description: I am an experienced professional tutor who has been tutoring for over twenty years. In addition, I have recently worked for five years for a private company that specializes in ACT and SAT Tutoring. I have experience in-person and on-line; and teaching large and small groups, and one-on-one.
Franklin Yard Test Prep
Griffin Olson Academic Tutoring
Contact: email at or by phone at 651-334-2748,
Description: Hi, my name is Griffin Olson and I am an alum of AHA’s class of 2020. I currently attend Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska where I’m studying Exercise Science on the Pre-Med track. At Holy Angels I tutored elementary students for two years and at Creighton I work as a tutor for high school students. Please reach out to me if you need help in math, English, Spanish, social studies, or the sciences!
Homeworks for Students, Inc.
Private one-on-one in home tutoring tailored to your student's specific needs. Personalize tutoring for all subjects including math, science, reading, writing, history, English, and foreign languages, IB/AP courses, and PSAT/ACT/SAT test prep. Organization, study skills, reading for content, note taking and general academic planning to help your student achieve academic independence are also offered. Our tutors are licensed teachers or qualified college graduates, many with Master's degrees in education. Locally owned and operated since 2003. Contact Sarah Dodge, owner, 612-871-2043, or
Huntington Learning Center
Contact: or call 952 922-2488
Branch locations are as follows:
- Edina 952 922-3000
- Plymouth 763 542-0000
- Apple Valley 952 953-6767
Description: One-on-one tutoring with flexible scheduling for both ACT and SAT. Cost: Varies by individual and number of students.
Hennepin County Library
Description: To access FREE ACT/SAT/PSAT/AP practice tests:
- go to
- Click on the “Reference and Research” tab at the top of the page
- Click on “Databases A-Z”
- Scroll down to “Learning Express Library”
- Enter your barcode from your HC Library card
- Register (enter username and password)
- A page will pull up with all kinds of practice exams. AP practice exams are the first group.
- Click on an exam, and follow directions.
Ivy Bound Test Prep
Contact: or call 1 877 975-1600
Description: Private tutoring or instruction for a group of 4 or more students; tutoring can be done at a local place determined by participants. Cost: Varies by individual and by the number of students.
Kaplan Test Prep
Kelly Stock Educational Consulting, LLC
Contact: Kelly Stock,
Description: ACT Prep. One on one tutoring and classroom courses offered. Students are coached on all four subjects covered on the ACT. Former actuary with 19 years of tutoring experience. References available upon request.
Magna Test Prep
Oriole Science Tutoring
Are you having difficulties and need tutoring in science (biology, chemistry, or physics)?
For more information and to contact me for a free consultation to determine your needs and if I can help:
I have 30+ years of experience in college/university teaching, high school teaching, and professional biological research.
Peterson's Test Prep Guidance Net
Contact: or 877 837-8773
Description: Online courses are available for PSAT, ACT or SAT.
Princeton Review
Contact: or 1-800-2-Review
Description: PSAT, ACT and SAT prep courses are available. Options include classroom courses, online courses or private tutoring. Free practice tests and strategy sessions are available for students at various locations throughout the Twin Cities.
Revolution Prep
Revolution Prep offers ACT/SAT Prep and tutoring in academic subject areas. Students can enroll in small group classes and also one-on-one online tutoring at , or by calling or texting Jaime Wareham at 412.552.3532 or jaime.wareham@revolutionprep. They often will offer discount codes to our families. Check with your college counselors if you have any questions about potential savings.
SAT Online Test Prep
Description: Accessible anywhere, anytime, offical SAT online course provides built-in study guide, includes 18 lessons, 10 practice tests with availability to take online or on paper.
Cost: $69.95
Swanson Consulting
Contact: or 763-417-0659
Description: Academic help and college test preparation for 8th-12 grades including ACT, PSAT, SAT, English, math reading, writing, study skills, test anxiety and special needs. Excellent results and references for all levels of student achievement. Husband and wife team in Plymouth. Flexible times available all year.
Sylvan Learning Systems, Inc
Contact: or 952-831-5351
Edina, ACT and SAT, 952-831-5351
Eagan, ACT and SAT, 651-681-4488
Burnsville, ACT only, 952-435-6603
Description: ACT and SAT classroom and small group courses are available. Students are encouraged to attend all classes, but can make-up a missed class online. Cost: ACT $888, SAT $988 .
University of Minnesota
Contact: Dr. Ernest Davenport 612-624-1040 or email:
Description: Free 10 week ACT/SAT review classes targeted to minority and female high school students. Space is limited, attendance is mandatory. Saturdays, 9am-1pm. Class site is at U of Minnesota.
College Placement
The Academy of Holy Angels prepares students for success in post-secondary education and in the adult world; 100 percent of the class of 2024 earned diplomas; 97 percent are enrolled in college. This list includes post-secondary schools where AHA graduates are enrolled or have been accepted in the years from 2020-2024.
(Colleges in bold type are schools in which AHA graduates are enrolled.)
Adams State University
Adelphi University
Agnes Scott College
Allegheny College
American University
American University in Paris
Anoka Technical College
Appalachian State University
Aquinas College
Arizona State University
Auburn University
Augsburg University
Augustana College
Augustana University (South Dakota)
Austin College
Baldwin Wallace University
Barnard College
Barry University
Baylor University
Belmont University
Beloit College
Bemidji State University
Benedictine College
Benedictine University
Bentley University
Bethany Lutheran College
Bethel University
Bethune-Cookman University
Binghampton University
Biola University
Bloomfield College of Montclair State University
Bond University
Boston College
Boston University
Bowling Green State University
Bradley University
Brown University
Bucknell University
Buena Vista University
Butler University
California Baptist University
California Lutheran University
California Polytechnic State University
California State University, San Marcos
Calvin University
Carleton College
Carroll College (Montana)
Carroll University (Wisconsin)
Carthage College
Case Western Reserve University
Catholic University of America
Century College
Chaminade University of Honolulu
Chapman University
Charleston Southern University
Clark Atlanta University
Clark University
Clarke University
Clarkson University
Clemson University
Cleveland State University
Coastal Carolina University
Coconino Community College
Coe College
Colby College
Colgate University
College of Charleston
College of Saint Benedict
College of St. Scholastica
College of the Holy Cross
College of Wooster
Colorado College
Colorado School of Mines
Colorado State University
Columbia College Chicago
Columbia University
Concordia College - Moorhead
Concordia University - Irvine
Concordia University - St. Paul
Coppin State University
Cornell College
Creighton University
Crown College
Dakota County Technical College
Dallas Baptist University
Davidson College
DePaul University
DePauw University
Dickinson College
Dordt University
Dougherty Family College at University of St. Thomas
Drake University
Drew University
Drexel University
Dunwoody College of Technology
Duquesne University
East Carolina University
Eastern Michigan University
Eckerd College
Elon University
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach
Emerson College
Emory University
Fairfield University
Ferris State University
Fisk University
Flagler College
Florida Atlantic University
Florida Gulf Coast University
Florida Institute of Technology
Florida International University
Florida Southern College
Florida State University
Fordham University
Fort Lewis College
Franklin and Marshall College
Franklin University, Switzerland
Full Sail University
Furman University
George Mason University
George Washington University
Georgia Institute of Technology
Georgia State University
Gonzaga University
Grand Canyon University
Grand View University
Gustavus Adolphus College
Hamline University
Hampton University
Harvard University
Haverford College
Hawaii Pacific University
Hennepin Technical College
High Point University
Hobart William Smith College
Hofstra University
Holy Cross College
Holy Family College
Houghton College
Howard University
Hunter College of the CUNY
Illinois Institute of Technology
Illinois Wesleyan University
Indiana State University
Indiana University at Bloomington
Inver Hills Community College
Iowa Central Community College
Iowa State University
Iowa Western Community College
James Madison University
John Carroll University
Johns Hopkins University
Johnson & Wales University (Providence)
Kalamazoo College
Kansas State University
Kenyon College
King's College
Kirkwood Community College
LaSalle University
Lake Forest College
Lake Region State College
Lawrence University
LeMoyne College
Lees-McRae College
Lehigh University
Lindenwood University
Longwood University
Loras College
Loyola Marymount University
Loyola University Chicago
Loyola University Maryland
Luther College
Lynn University
Macalester College
Manhattan College
Marist College
Marquette University
Marymount Manhattan College
Maryville University of Saint Louis
McGill University
Menlo College
Merrimack College
Mesabi Range College
Metropolitan State University
Metropolitan State University of Denver
Miami University, Oxford
Michigan State University
Michigan Technological University
Milwaukee School of Engineering
Minneapolis College of Art and Design
Minneapolis Community and Technical College
Minnesota State University, Mankato
Minnesota State University, Moorhead
Missouri Western State University
Monash University
Montana State University, Bozeman
Morgan State University
Mount Mercy University
Mount St. Mary's University
Mount Saint Mary's University (Chalon)
New England College
New School - All Divisions
New York University
Newberry College
Normandale Community College
North Carolina State University
North Central College
North Dakota State College of Science
North Dakota State University
North Hennepin Community College
North Park University
Northeastern University
Northern Arizona University
Northern Illinois University
Northern Michigan University
Northern State University
Northland College
Norwich University
Nova Southeastern University
NYU Shanghai
Ohio State University
Old Dominion University
Oregon State University
PACE University
Pennsylvania State University
Pennsylvania State University, Berks
Pennsylvania State University, Harrisburg
Pennsylvania State University, Lehigh Valley
Pepperdine University
Point Loma Nazarene University
Prairie View A & M University
Pratt Institute
Providence College
Purdue University
Purdue University, Fort Wayne
Purdue University, Northwest
Queens University
Quincy University
Quinnipiac University
Reed College
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Rice University
Richmond, The American International College in London
Rider University
Ringling College of Art and Design
Ripon College
Rochester Institute of Technology
Rockhurst University
Roger Williams University
Rollins College
Rutgers University - New Brunswick
Sacred Heart University
Saint Cloud State University
Saint John's University (MN)
Saint Leo University
Saint Louis University
Saint Mary's College
Saint Mary's College of California
Saint Mary's University of Minnesota
Saint Michael's College
Saint Paul College
Saint Xavier University
Salve Regina University
San Diego State University
San Jose State University
Santa Ana College
Santa Clara University
Sarah Lawrence College
Savannah College of Art and Design
School of the Art Institute of Chicago
School of Visual Arts
Seattle Pacific University
Seattle University
Seton Hall University
Simmons University
Skidmore College
South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
South Dakota State University
Southern Methodist University
Southern New Hampshire University
Southwest Minnesota State University
Southwestern Community College
St. Bonaventure University
St. Catherine University - St. Paul
St. Cloud Technical and Community College
St. Francis College
St. John's University - Queens Campus
St. Norbert College
St. Olaf College
Stetson University
Stonehill College
Stony Brook University
Suffolk University
SUNY Albany
SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill
SUNY Plattsburgh
Syracuse University
Temple University
Texas A&M University, College Station
Texas Christian University
The College of Saint Rose
The Evergreen State College
The University of Texas, Dallas
Trinity College
Trinity College Dublin
Trinity Washington University
Truman State University
Tulane University
Universita Bocconi
Universidad de Navarra
University at Buffalo The State University of New York
University of Alabama
University of Arizona
University of California at Davis
University of California at Irvine
University of California, Los Angeles
University of California, Riverside
University of California at San Diego
University of California at Santa Barbara
University of California at Santa Cruz
University of Central Florida
University of Chicago
University of Colorado at Boulder
University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
University of Colorado at Denver
University of Connecticut
University of Dallas
University of Dayton
University of Delaware
University of Denver
University of Dubuque
University of Edinburgh
University of Hawaii at Manoa
University of Idaho
University of Illinois at Chicago
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champagne
University of Iowa
University of Jamestown
University of Kansas
University of Kentucky
University of Maine, Augusta
University of Manitoba
University of Mary
University of Maryland, College Park
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
University of Massachusetts, Boston
University of Massachusetts, Lowell
University of Miami
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
University of Minnesota, Crookston
University of Minnesota, Duluth
University of Minnesota, Morris
University of Minnesota, Rochester
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
University of Mississippi
University of Missouri Columbia
University of Missouri, St. Louis
University of Mobile
University of Montana
University of Nebraska at Lincoln
University of Nebraska, Omaha
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
University of Nevada, Reno
University of New Hampshire at Durham
University of New Mexico
University of North Carolina, Charlotte
University of North Carolina, Greensboro
University of North Dakota
University of Northern Colorado
University of Northern Iowa
University of Northwestern
University of Notre Dame
University of Oklahoma
University of Oregon
University of Ottawa
University of Pittsburgh
University of Portland
University of Puget Sound
University of Richmond
University of San Diego
University of San Francisco
University of Sioux Falls
University of Southern Alabama
University of South Carolina
University of South Dakota
University of Southern California
University of St. Thomas (MN)
University of Tampa
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
University of the Pacific
University of Utah
University of Vermont
University of Virginia
University of Washington
University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire
University of Wisconsin, La Crosse
University of Wisconsin, Madison
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
University of Wisconsin, Platteville
University of Wisconsin, River Falls
University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point
University of Wisconsin, Stout
University of Wisconsin, Superior
Upper Iowa University
Utah State University
Valencia College
Valley City State University
Vassar College
Villanova University
Virginia Commonwealth University
Virginia Military Institute
Virginia State University
Viterbo University
Washington College
Washington University in St. Louis
Webster University
Wesleyan University
Western Illinois University
Western Michigan University
Whitman College
Whittier College
Wichita State University
Willamette University
Wingate University
Winona State University
Wisconsin Lutheran College
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Xavier University
Xavier University of Louisian4
Advice about AP and PACC
Advice from your College Counselors regarding Advanced Placement and/or PACC Credits
Advanced Placement (AP): Advanced Placement exams are administered by the College Board and graded on a 1-5 scale. In order to receive college credit for your AP exams, you will direct the College Board to send your scores to the college you decide to attend. Most colleges have a list of AP courses they will accept and the score required to obtain credit and these are usually on their website. Most schools require a 4 or 5 to receive college credit though some colleges will also give credit for a score of 3. As you visit colleges, be prepared to ask the Admission Counselor about how your AP classes might transfer. In some cases, the AP course might meet a curriculum requirement at the college or may count as elective credit. You can contact colleges NOW to find out how your AP scores might transfer to their school.
At an Information Session presented by Georgetown, Harvard, Penn, Duke and Stanford, the admission representatives indicated that whether a college accepts the credit or not, the expectation at highly selective schools is that students have taken AP courses and the corresponding tests because these are the best ways to prepare for the rigors of the freshman year in college.
PACC Credit through Saint Mary’s University, MN: The Program for Advanced College Credit (PACC) at Saint Mary’s University offers college courses taught at Academy of Holy Angels. There are the same expectations, workload, learning activities, projects, and exams as the courses taught to first-year students at Saint Mary's University.
If you take a course for PACC credit, you will need to request Saint Mary’s University send a transcript to the college you decide to attend. In most cases, the college will review the transcript and determine what, if any, credit they will award for the course. You can call the college to inquire how they might handle your PACC credit but most colleges handle this on a case by case basis and likely will not be able to tell you immediately if you will get credit for the class.
Here is more information from the Saint Mary’s University website: Colleges and universities can recognize coursework taken at other institutions in several ways. Based on the student's transcript, which is proof that he or she has completed college coursework, institutions can transfer the credit hours into a student's program of study, reducing the number of courses the student has to complete on campus to graduate.
They can also offer the student the option of using transferred courses to gain exemption from specific course requirements. These might include courses that fulfill distribution or general education requirements, introductory writing courses, and courses required within a major or minor course of study.
Finally, colleges and universities can allow the student to use transfer courses to fulfill prerequisite course requirements for more advanced study by granting placement in a higher level of a course sequence. All of these forms of recognition may be granted individually or in combination.
Please be aware that some colleges may transfer not only the class/credit you receive from Saint Mary’s to your program of study at their college, but also will transfer the grade into your college GPA. Be aware you want to do your best possible academically in these courses, if you are trying to gain credit for PACC at your college of choice.
More PACC details
The Program for Advanced College Credit [PACC] is a program offered by St. Mary’s University in Winona that awards college credit to several advanced and Advanced Placement courses at Holy Angels. Students who are taking the approved courses may register as a PACC student and gain either 3 or 4 credits for the year –long classes. They must maintain a C average in the class in order to receive the credits at the end of Trimester III. After grades are finalized in June, you may obtain a transcript from St. Mary’s.
PACC credit does not take the place of the AP exams taken in May, and some schools accept both PACC credits and AP scores. The College and Career Center has prepared a detailed explanation of the choices your student has before him or her. Please look at this document as you make your decision.
PACC courses for 2024-25 include: AP Calculus, AP Calculus BC, AP Statistics, AP U. S. History, AP Chemistry, AP Biology, AP Spanish, AP English Language and Composition, AP Literature and Composition, and Anatomy and Physiology. The cost is $100 per credit. AP Calculus, AP Calculus BC, AP Biology, AP Chemistry are 4 credit classes. The others are 3 credit classes. The exceptions are AP US History and AP Spanish. These classes are now worth 6 credits and send grades in January and in June.
Registration will take place in September. Students will receive information from their PACC course teachers on how to register when their classes begin in the fall. Mr. Schuman will take registration information. The registration forms must have a parent/guardian signature and the student’s Social Security number. On the day they register, students will need to have a check for the full amount payable to AHA. One check is all that is needed.
For further information, visit the St. Mary’s website at:
AHA PACC coordinator: Mr. Jake Schuman at or 612-798-2638
AHA's Program of Studies is a comprehensive course catalog with a description of the school's requirements for graduation and for student honors.
Please reference the catalog below as it is the official document of AHA.
Ann Kjorstad
College & Career Center Counselor
Tina Proctor
College & Career Center Counselor
Mary Kelly
College & Career Center Administrative Assistant